
Game Server Rental and Egg Development


We have integrated the Pterodactyl panel for these new nodes, a move that streamlines management and operations while enhancing automation capabilities.
I also participates in the egg (Docker image and Installation scripts) developement of Pterodactyl in the major open source repositories.

My Github Page.

Technical Design


  • Distributed System: The nodes are part of a distributed system that ensures high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Microservices: The system is built using a microservices architecture, allowing for scalability and ease of maintenance.

Many Nodes

Containerization with Docker:

  • Isolation: Docker containers encapsulate each game server, ensuring isolation and consistent environments.
  • Docker Compose: Used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications, simplifying deployment.

Pterodactyl Panel:

  • Integration: The panel is integrated with the Docker ecosystem, providing a unified interface for managing game servers.
  • Customization: Allows for extensive customization of server settings and configurations.

Demo Servers


  • MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) using the Google Authenticator app enhances security.
  • Firewalls & Network Isolation: Implementation of firewalls and network segmentation to protect sensitive data.

Automation & Monitoring:

  • CI/CD Pipeline: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for automated testing and deployment.
  • Monitoring Tools: Integration with monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana for real-time insights.

Deployment Strategy

Environment Setup:

  • Development, Staging, and Production Environments: Ensuring a smooth transition from development to production.


  • Horizontal Scaling: Ability to add or remove nodes based on demand, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

Backup & Recovery:

  • Regular Backups: Scheduled backups of critical data.
  • Disaster Recovery Plan: A robust plan to ensure data integrity and availability in case of failure.

Accessing the New Panel

The new panel can be accessed at Mr.Leaves Server Group.



The technical design and deployment strategy of our game server hosting system reflect our commitment to excellence. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and best practices, we provide a robust, scalable, and secure solution that meets the needs of demanding users. Explore the new panel and experience the benefits of our advanced hosting solution.

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, feedback, or collaboration opportunities. I would love to hear from you!

  • Address

    Willowdale, Toronto
    Ontario, M2M 4H9
  • Phone

  • Email
